Guest article provided by: birthmademindful.com

The mind is the most powerful tool each of us possess.

Our thoughts are just one portion of the complex system that takes a thought and leads  to an outcome.

Facts lead to thoughts, thoughts to feelings, and feelings cause an action, which leads  to an outcome. If we can change how we feel about a thought, we can change the  outcome.

Although this model can be applied to many aspects of life, it applies to pregnancy and  birth. Nothing that will happen during your prenatal care, the first stages of labor, or the  moment you deliver your baby will have a positive or negative effect until you decide to

have a positive or negative thought about the event. Often with a little evaluation, we  can work backwards to see what thought is driving our feelings. Our outcome follows,  and unless we work on the thought or feeling behind the action, the outcome will not  differ.

When we discover that the underlying thoughts that we allow our mind to create cause  our results, we can change our results! The power of the mind is the most powerful tool  each of us possess. If we can clearly see how our expectations we can alter our  results. Simply put, if we change thoughts, we can change outcomes.

As you prepare for your birth, be intentional with your thoughts. All thoughts are  acceptable and should be acknowledged. If a thought is heavy, write it down, explore  what the thought means. Embrace with acceptance all thoughts, and the thought will no  longer be a burden. When we have identified the source of the thought, we can begin  to create new thoughts that better serve us during labor. Affirmations during labor will  affirm your physical and spiritual strength within!

Understand that all thoughts can be neutral. A neutral thought can be more powerful  than a negative thought. Your mental preparation can also have incredibly positive  results in your postpartum period.

Take for example, the surgical procedure of an episiotomy – a surgical cut made at the  opening of the vagina during child birth to aid in a difficult delivery. Does the thought of  an episiotomy create a negative, neutral or positive thought within your mind? It may  take place as part of your birth story; but how you prepare can alter how you feel about  the outcome. Is this a procedure you would like to take place? It is routine for some  doctors, have you asked if this is the case for your provider? Are their rates of  episiotomies public, or will they provide this information upon request. If this procedure  took place without your consent how would you feel? If this procedure took place in an  emergent situation and eliminated the need to deliver your baby via Cesarean Section,  would your feelings toward the outcome change? Evaluate your birth plan and prepare!

If you are able to research and create a plan of action ahead of time, you will have a  fantastic delivery. By creating a mental map of your thoughts, and feelings, you can  create positive outcomes for your labor. To participate in a self-paced, at home course,  visit Birth Made Mindful and use the discount code HELLO10 to receive 10% off every  course on our website. Joy can be found in birth and motherhood!

Article by Sarah Ziroll

Hi, I’m Sarah, a passionate Birth Coach and certified birth doula. My greatest joy is my  family: husband and three young boys. The journey I experienced as I delivered each  one of my sons lead me to become a birth educator and doula. With three entirely  different birth experiences, I’ve done it all – an unplanned C-Section, an unmedicated  VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) at a birth center and a home birth. I am dedicated  to educating families, and helping them prepare for any mode of delivery. In my fringe  hours, I love to sarahnade on my violin, upcycle and do craft projects, hike the gorgeous  mountains of Utah and waterski.

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