The Six Components of Self Care

Guest article from

In our pursuit of health and wellness, there are hundreds of self-care options to choose from. Advertisements fill our Facebook pages and our inboxes, and even invade the sanctity of our incoming texts. In the middle of this onslaught, we are left in a daze, wondering which options to spend our time, our money, and our other resources on.

Do we spend our money on dietary supplements or on a massage therapist?

Do we use our time at the gym or in a quiet place of meditation?

Do we pursue the latest diet regimen or do we stick with the tried and true?

Perhaps we can bring some clarity to this question by thinking of the word “balance,” particularly in light of the six components to the reservoir of our health.

Those six components include nutrition, rest, exercise, spiritual Health, stress Management and spinal health. There is a balance between the six components, as well as balance within each of the six.

Each of these is crucial. If we ignore any one of them or pay attention only to our favorite one or two, the reservoir will become either empty or imbalanced, and our health will begin to suffer. Each of the six is a topic that can warrant a lot of study and discussion, but let’s discuss each one in just a bit of detail here, starting with – 

Nutrition: This one is one of my favorite topics. I love to eat! But we can’t just dive into what we love most. We must find the balance that works for each individual. If you have specific sensitivities to grains – cut them out, but other than that, don’t beat yourself up. Eat a sensible balance of healthy proteins, fats, and plenty of veggies. Avoid the dirty dozen, and hydrate plentifully.

Rest: Self-care must include enough rest to let your body heal. Ideally, three to four full cycles of sleep are necessary to recover from each day’s stresses. Going to bed at the same time each evening and avoiding blue screens prior to going to bed will help with this. An occasional nap may be appropriate as well, but keep balance there too so that you don’t interrupt the healing deep sleep cycles.

Exercise: Again, balance is crucial, and I recommend balance between aerobic exercise, resistance training, core stabilization, and balance retraining. Each of these produces specific benefits, so find a regimen that enables you to incorporate each into your week.

Spiritual: It’s been noted that we are spiritual beings living in physical bodies. Our spiritual health is crucial, so don’t ignore it. Now, I’m not here to tell you what spiritual path to follow, but I have found that the Bible has great answers to the big questions of life. Check it out!

Stress Management: Stress-related issues lead to as many as 80 percent of health issues. Stress can’t be completely avoided in this broken world, but there are practical things we can do to help manage the impact of stress. Exercise, owning a pet, massage therapy, journaling, and calm conversation are examples of stress-reducing aspects of life. Find the space in your mind and in your calendar to care for your heart.

Spine: The nervous system is the system that controls all the other systems of the body, and the spine is the circuit breaker system over the nerve system. If the spine is misaligned, the nerves can’t control the organs and tissues. So, take the time to keep it aligned and functioning well. See your chiropractor, not just when you’re hurting, but regularly, to keep this system in peak performance.

So, six components, and a wise balance in each area. Here is your challenge: Take a moment to evaluate your health regimens and answer these three questions:

Which of the six are you strongest in?

Which is your weakest area? 

And, finally, what can you do to strengthen your weakest area, bringing improved balance to your health reservoir?

Drop me a line at [email protected] and let me know your thoughts.

We wish you the best! Be well, and stay well.


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